Etz Hayim Synagogue’s Second Seder April 15, 2014
Rabbi Bryna Milkow conducted the second seder which 42 people signed up and participated in. Deb Bailin organized the meal and went to Peabody, MA for the food. Jay Madnick, Steve Soreff, Deb Bailin, Anna Bailin and Bruce Wechsler helped to prepare the synagogue Sunday April 13. On Tuesday Deb Bailin, Patricia Biagi and Steve Soreff did the final preparations and Deb Bailin and Nancy Kahn assisted serving the meal. Many of the participants stayed and cleaned up the synagogue.
conducting the seder.
The children asking
the Four questions.
The cast of story of Passover
as told through a baseball game between the Goshen Hebrews versus the Nile Egyptians. The Hebrews won.
Children led by the Rabbi watching and singing
Echad Mi Yodea.