Sunday, December 14, 2014

Etz Hayim Holds a Special Meeting

Sunday  December 14, 2014 at 10 AM

Rabbi Peter Levy opened the session with a D’var Torah :recounting the story of Joseph’s famous  interpretations of the Pharaohs’ dreams concerning the seven fat, then seven thin cattle, and the need to plan wisely.  President Steve Soreff welcomed the group and noted all of our love and commitment to Etz Hayim synagogue and its future as well as the many neat things happening at the synagogue. . The Treasurer Laurie Medrek presented a detailed and very understandable review of our current fiscal situation and initiatives to solve it.  She was aided by a power point presentation Jay Madnick developed and a giving tree created by Arlene Agosto.
The Treasurer Laurie Medrek  reviewed our current fiscal situation and initiatives to solve it.
We had a super and very effective meeting today-thanks to the Board and it's collective brilliance and participation.    Laurie gets four Jewish stars by  NY TIMes for her superb presentation; Jay neat power point; Arlene great tree; Dina great job on  checking all in and the notes; all for the food.  Another big step in Etz Hayim's future.

Happy Hannukkah

Men's Group Visits the NH Supreme Court

Under the guidance of one of the men’s Group’s members , Robert Lynn toured the New Hampshire on December 11, 2014.   Robert Lynn is one of the five NH Supreme Court judges.  The group saw a very informative video depicting the place of the Supreme Court and the organization of the NH Judicial system.   They visited the actual Supreme Court  room where the judges work when in session.  They also visited the individual judges’ chambers and the building’s Law Library. Afterwards, they dine at the Red Blazer in Concord.